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Nasal Hump Removal Surgery

Nasal Hump Removal Surgery

Nasal Hump Removal Surgery (Nasal Hump Rasping)

The vast majority of rhinoplasty demands are towards the correction of the nasal hump. The nasal hump removal surgery, which can be performed under local or general anesthesia, can be also called “nasal hump rasping”.

What is Nasal Hump Rasping Surgery?

When looking in the mirror, patients who are disturbed by the appearance of aquiline nose want to have nasal aesthetics to reduce their aesthetic concerns. Undesired deformities in the nose profile can be removed by rasping technique. Unlike the bone breaking-cutting technique applied in traditional nasal aesthetics, there is a serious decrease in patients’ complaints such as bruising and edema after nasal rasping. Nasal hump rasping surgery enables the protrusion, thickness and sharpness in the nasal hump to be rasped, allowing the person to have a nose that looks in compliance with her/his facial features.

Who Can Have Nasal Hump Removal Surgery?

Nasal hump removal surgery can only be applied to patients with nasal hump that distort the shape of the nose. The decision for surgery can be made only when bone development is completed and patient feels ready for the procedure.

“Nasal hump rasping surgery can be performed alone if the person has a slight nasal hump or as a procedure within the scope of nasal aesthetic surgery. The extent to which the nasal belt will be rasped is planned in line with the patient’s expectations and facial analysis results. Since nasal hump rasping surgery may also affect the image of the nose and the facial expression, just like any other nasal aesthetic procedures, the gender of the patient should also be taken into consideration in the planning process. The skin features of the patient are also one of the most important factors affecting the success of the nasal hump removal surgery. Since it is possible to encounter an undesired appearance if the skin does not recover itself after the nose is rasped, it becomes a great requirement to evaluate the skin structure in the planning process.”

If the nasal hump is too large to be corrected using rasping procedure, and the shape of the nose needs to be improved after the nasal hump is corrected, or there are anatomical problems in the nose that may cause nasal obstruction, such as septum deviation, the nasal hump removal surgery can be performed using more invasive techniques as part of the nasal aesthetic surgery. Surgeons take into account the patient’s needs, respiratory quality and aesthetic expectations as usual during the planning process of the surgery.

Update Date: 16.11.2021
Op. Dr. Hünkar Batıkhan
Op. Dr. Hünkar Batıkhan
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Op. Dr. Hünkar BatıkhanOp. Dr. Hünkar BatıkhanKulak Burun Boğaz Hastalıkları Uzmanı
0530 674 3779